Registration can be changed up until midnight of the the conference registration deadline date. After the conference registration deadline, you will be required to pay a registration fee for each student registered, even if that student does not attend
Substitutions can only be made in teams events and no more han one-half of the team may be replaced. Substitutions are made at the On-site Check-in. Substitutions are not allowed in individual events.
The Texas Chapter Number is a four digit number which begins with your area number. For example: 1111 would be an area 1 chapter, 2111 would be area 2 and so on. Usually, the Texas number is part of your chapter/school name. For example: John Smith High School 5111. Please use your Texas chapter number for area and sate conferences
A chapter can register two voting delegates for the area conference and one voting delegate for the state conference
A chapter may register no more than two Courtesy Corps members. It is best if these students are not competing in an event. Studens and advisors should realize that Texas HOSA relies on these students attending the conference and being at their assignments. Do not register students for Courtesy Corps unless they are very dependable and will be there. At the Spring Leadership Conference, registered Courtesy Corps students should come to “On-site check in” with advisors to the courtesy corp signup table for event information
No. HOSA advisors are expected to help with the various competitive events at the conference. All advisors are members of Team Texas and we need everyone to pitch in and help. If an advisor attends the conference even though he/she does not have any students attending, the advisor mus sign up through the Advisor Sign-up spreadsheet for the correct area located on Texas HOSA website to assist with an event.
Texas HOSA encourages all chapters to stay untl the conclusion of the awards ceremony so all students can benefit from the encouragement and support of the area and/or state. Imagine how you students would feel if they were called to the stage for a medal and half of the seats were empty. If for some reason, your chapter is unable to be present for the awards session, another advisor can collect medals for the chapter at the conclusion of the ceremony. It is imperative that the advisor should have a list of the numbers of each type medal/ribbon needed (First through fifth place). After the session, there will not be time to look at each event to see which place the competitor earned. Medals will not be mailes
The required ratio is one adult per 10 students. It is always wise to bring an extra chaperone to be available to our students while you are assisting with your assigned event.
NOTE: If an advisor is a member of the Texas HOSA Board of Directors, or the conference chair, he/she will be unable to chaperon his/her students and will require a chaperone.
Yes. All lost articles should be taken to Competitive Events Headquarters where they can be claimed by the owner. Any items not claimed prior to the closing session will be left with the conference chair. If not claimed within a week of the conference, the chair may dispose of the items at his/her discretion.
At Area Spring Leadership Conference, all items should be retrieved no later than noon on the day of the awards session at or near Competitive Events Headquarters. Health Career Displays and Medical Innovation Displays should be claimed from the room where the event was held. Any unclaimed items will be left with the conference chair to be disposed of immediately following the conference.
At the State Conference students and advisors should check the schedule for pick-up times.
Students must wear conference nametags at all times during conference activities.
If the competitor does not have an acceptable form of ID listed above, the HOSA competitor Identification Form, found in Appendix G on the International HOSA website must be used.
If a competitor comes to competition and does not have the proper photo ID with him/her, then the competitor will be allowed to compete but will receive 35 penalty points. Points will be deducted in Tabulations. The exceptions are Biomedical Debate, HOSA Bowl and Medical Spelling – these events are “live” and the winners are determined on-site in the debate, spelldown and buszzers rounds. If a competitor fails to bring photo ID to round 2 of Biomedical Debate, HOSA Bowl or Medical Spelling, he/she will not be allowed to compete.
Official HOSA Uniform Policy:
Business Attire:
This policy is for students competitors. Advisors, family members, and guest are not required to wear the HOSA uniform or the black or navy blue suit with a white shirt to the general sessions but are asked to be profesionally dressed
Official HOSA Uniform Policy:
Business Attire:
This policy is for students competitors. Advisors, family members, and guest are not required to wear the HOSA uniform or the black or navy blue suit with a white shirt to the general sessions but are asked to be profesionally dressed
Competitors must adhere to the Dress Code as specified in the individual compeitive events guidelines for the orientation and event in which they are competing. Bonus points will be given according to the individual guidelines.
Official HOSA Uniform Policy:
Business Attire:
A copy of the dress code can be found on the Texas HOSA website under Handbooks/ Appendiz
Detailed instructions for uploading materials can be found here.